Home » OF+MO to Participate in Oklahoma Music Festivals Throughout April

OF+MO to Participate in Oklahoma Music Festivals Throughout April

The Oklahoma Film + Music Office (OF+MO) is proud to sponsor three Oklahoma music festivals, The ACM@UCO Metro Music Fest, the Bob Childers’ Gypsy Café and Norman Music Festival, throughout the month of April.

The Academy of Contemporary Music at the University of Central Oklahoma (ACM@UCO) will host the eighth annual Metro Music Fest Saturday, April 8. The Metro Music Fest features live music on multiple stages around Bricktown in Oklahoma City, including Oklahoma artists Sports, Space4Lease, Grant Adams, The Lunar Laugh, Lincka and more. In addition to the music performances, OF+MO and deadCenter Film Festival will co-present a panel discussion, titled “Film and Music: How the Industries Connect”, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. in the Songwriting Room, located on the lobby level of the ACM@UCO. The panel is free and open to the public and will include the opportunity for networking after. For more information, please visit

The sixth annual Bob Childers’ Gypsy Café will bring together over 60 songwriters playing across three venues in small groupings with 45 minute sets Wednesday, April 26, 4:30 p.m. – 11:45 p.m., in Stillwater. The event will culminate with an all-musician finale on the main stage. For the third year, OF+MO hosted a call for Oklahoma musicians to be among the 60+ artists performing in the festival. From this call, Gypsy Café selected Bryce Dicus, Matt Mason, Zac Wenzel, Dan Martin, TZ Wright, KALO, Katie Williams, Chris Hoffmeier and Blake Parks. For more information, please visit

The tenth annual Norman Music Festival (NMF) will take place along Main Street in Norman April 27-29 hosting bands from Oklahoma and around the world. This year, OF+MO, along with NMF and Walrus Audio, will host four one-hour educational seminars Saturday, April 29, 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., at MAINSITE. Presenters include Oklahoma songwriter Chase Kerby: “Everything You Need to Know When Starting a Band”; Oklahoma hip hop artist Jabee Williams: “Ways to Promote and Release Albums”; Oklahoma entertainment and music attorney Trey Rick, Esq.,: “Music Licensing”; as well as a fourth guest to be announced. For more information, please visit


About the Oklahoma Film + Music Office:
Created in 1979, The Oklahoma Film + Music Office strives to share all that Oklahoma has to offer by welcoming filmmakers and music professionals to the state and by creating a network of support to develop Oklahoma’s film and music industries. For more information about the Oklahoma Film Enhancement Rebate Program or the Oklahoma Film + Music Office please visit