Home » Featured Location for September 2019: Snake River Junction

Featured Location for September 2019: Snake River Junction

Located just outside Marlow, Oklahoma, in the tiny town of Bray is Snake River Junction. This hidden locations gem is an Old West Outpost that celebrates the state’s unique western heritage. For over a decade, the owner of Snake River Junction has continued to construct and expand the western town, which features several buildings, including an old church, café, blacksmith shop and an authentic, old west saloon dating back to the 1870s, which has been restored. In fact, the saloon is one of the location’s most treasured staples, and carries marks of its storied history via the enshrined bullet holes in the walls from a showdown between the U.S. Marshalls and outlaws of the frontier era. This film-friendly location recently welcomed the production of the western, horror film “The Pale Door” and has hosted several other local film productions and related film and music events.

If you are interested in showcasing your community or featuring your location in the Oklahoma Locations Directory, please contact Yousef Kazemi at for more information.