Home » Featured Location for November 2023: VFW Post 577
Featured Location Nov 2023

Featured Location for November 2023: VFW Post 577

Tulsa’s VFW Post 577 has a rich history dating back over a century ago when the property was first constructed in 1920. During this time, the property served as a National Guard Armory for over two decades providing services throughout a number of critical events in history, including the Tulsa Race Riots. In 1946, the property was acquired by Tulsa’s Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and has since served as a sanctuary for veterans to reconnect with the community while providing critical counsel and assistance, including specialized social, recreational and welfare programs. VFW Post 577 is lined with photographs and memorabilia honoring veterans across the years, and the two-story building boasts a large cafeteria, meeting room/auditorium and an outdoor deck.

This film friendly location previously hosted the production of “Sick Girl” in 2019, and we thank them for their support.

If you are interested in showcasing your community or featuring your location in the Oklahoma Locations Directory, please contact Yousef Kazemi at or visit our website for more information.