Inspired by the iconic holiday film “A Christmas Story,” Ralphie’s Christmas House is a short-term, themed rental property and camera-ready location nestled in the heart of the film friendly certified City of Chickasha. Built in 1930 and fully remodeled in recent years, the 1,850 square foot house features four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a fully equipped kitchen, washer & dryer and free onsite parking. The house is even painted in the original colors from the house in the film complete with a leg lamp in the window. Additionally, Ralphie’s Christmas House is located just six blocks from the world’s largest Leg Lamp, an infamous prop from the film invented by Chickasha resident Nolan James, as well as the Festival of Light, both of which are two hugely popular holiday attractions located in the city.
Special thanks to musicians/filmmakers Shane Henry and Maggie McClure (The Imaginaries) and owners of Ralphie’s Christmas House for sharing this iconic location with our film and music communities.
If you are interested in showcasing your community or featuring your location in the Oklahoma Locations Directory, please contact Yousef Kazemi at or visit our website for more information.