Home » Featured Location for December 2020: Visit Shawnee Offices

Featured Location for December 2020: Visit Shawnee Offices

Nestled in the heart of its downtown district, the Visit Shawnee Offices are a film-friendly location featuring a mid-century modern exterior with a blend of retro and contemporary interior design furnishings. The property boasts office spaces, a multi-functional conference room and an on-site kitchen, which formerly showcased a local cooking show. The building, once home to Oklahoma Natural Gas, now houses offices for Visit Shawnee, the Shawnee Chamber of Commerce and technology company Astro Panda. The proximity of the location to nearby Oklahoma City makes this office building a desirable fit for filmmakers in this region, including the feature film “Out of Exile”, which recently filmed several scenes at this location and others in the City of Shawnee. OF+MO is very thankful to Stacy Cramer Moore of Visit Shawnee for submitting this location and several others in the community for inclusion in our Oklahoma Locations Directory.

If you are interested in showcasing your community or featuring your location in the Oklahoma Locations Directory, please contact Yousef Kazemi at for more information.