Home » Music Artist for September 2015: Gregory Jerome
Music Artist September 2015 Gregory Jerome

Music Artist for September 2015: Gregory Jerome

Born in Oklahoma City, Gregory Jerome is a lyricist with wit, streets smarts and a love for extended smiles. He touches the tragedies and triumphs in life, as well as on hope, peace and unity. He separates himself with a message giving hip hop a new solid conscientious voice with non-exclusive lyrics, positivity and inspiration. Gregory began his music career while attending Northeastern Oklahoma A&M. It was not until he enrolled at Middle Tennessee State University where he would find success in Nashville, Tennessee. He was a feature artist for numerous bands which led him to open for national recording artists. Gregory is considered a community activist and a supporter of the arts. He has dedicated his talents to provide art after school programs and enrichment literacy workshops for youth and young adults. Gregory is a true leader for all communities.

Gregory is hosting the inaugural Oklahoma Hip Hop Festival September 18-19, 2015. This premiere event creates a venue for hip hop art forms that did not exist previously, providing education to the public about these art forms, and building a network for hip hop artists. It will bring together some of the hip hop’s elite and brightest up-and-coming artists throughout the state, region, US and internationally. Oklahoma Hip Hop Festival is a cultural event and vital meeting group for hip hop fans as well as Graffiti artists, DJ’s, MC’s, Breakers, producers, media, A&R’s and anyone with a career in the hip hop industry. The Oklahoma Hip Hop Festival is incorporating diversity, education, technology and community involvement to bring worthy exposure to this growing and highly anticipated showcase. The Oklahoma Hip Hop Festival is truly an event you do not want to miss.

“I believe Oklahomans have been waiting on a event such as the Oklahoma Hip Hop Festival. This is a moment in time where it’s most needed; it creates a platform for the hip hop community to unite and provide a flagship of identity. This event will educate the masses on the true culture of Hip Hip and illuminate the city with diversity,” said Gregory.

For more information, please visit Gregory’s listing in the Oklahoma Music Directory.