Home » Music Artist for February 2020: Husbands

Music Artist for February 2020: Husbands

Husbands began when Wil Norton climbed up the stairs to Danny Davis’s Oklahoma City apartment and took their first stab at their odd, gleeful brand of lofi pop. Since then, they’ve each moved all over the world – Washington, D.C., Seattle, Costa Rica – but have faithfully managed to write one album, two EPs, and over 24 singles (and two Christmas albums– but who’s counting?).

While Husbands still retains much of their signature surf pop, beach-inspired harmonies and their angular, garage rock guitar propulsion, for their new album, After the Gold Rush Party, Husbands tries on krautrock, no wave, and nineties-inspired pop, as Danny tackles new themes of what it means to be punk, working 9-to-5s, and trying to find zen in an anxious world. After the Gold Rush Party is Husband’s first vinyl release, on their brand new label Cowboy 2.0 Records (an imprint of Clerestory AV).

To date, reception for After the Gold Rush Party has been strong. Husbands has been featured on NPR’s Heavy Rotation, BIRP!, and David Dean Burkhart’s Compact Cassette, and placed on Spotify’s New Music Friday, Fresh Finds and Feel-Good Indie Rock Playlist.

“We’ve always been inspired by our peers in the Oklahoma City music scene – and there are many up-and-coming artists to look out for,” said Norton. “OKC is unique because it provides an affordable place to live and a tight-knit, collaborative music scene – two essential components for art, anywhere, to thrive.”

For more information and to listen to their music, visit Husbands’ listing in the Oklahoma Music Directory.


“Rousing surf rock guitar line[s] and catchy harmonizing that goes down like a crisp summer shandy.” – Matt Carney, NPR KOSU’s Sample Size

“A highly listenable, breezy piece of summer perfection … Take all the surfiest moments of Weezer’s ‘Blue Album’ and you might get close to the sound of Oklahoma City’s most exciting band this year.” – Nathan Poppe,

“It’s difficult to really pinpoint why it captivates . . . but the proof, as they say, is in the pudding, and . . . you’ll be left wondering how you made it so far through this dulled Summer without ‘Stay Gold’ by your side.” – Tom Johnson, Gold Flake Paint

“Delicious, jangly pop… quintessential summer pop that glistens with the promise of more lovely things to come.” Swell Tone Music