Event OF+MO Speaker Request Form

Home » Event OF+MO Speaker Request Form

Thank you for your interest in requesting a representative from the Oklahoma Film + Music Office (OF+MO) for your upcoming event. We kindly ask that you provide some additional information via the below questionnaire, so we can best evaluate our participation and support of your event.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Start Time(Required)
End Time(Required)
Is virtual participation an option?(Required)
Who will be in attendance?(Required)
Check all that apply.
What is the focus/topic of the requested presentation?(Required)
Check all that apply.
What should the length of the presentation be?(Required)
Will there be time for a Q+A following the presentation?(Required)
Will there be PowerPoint capabilities?(Required)
Will food or drink be provided?(Required)
Will there be other panelists/speakers featured?(Required)
Will there be a photographer at the event?(Required)
May we share our participation at this event on our social media and/or newsletter?(Required)
Who is the designated point of contact for this event?(Required)